Find the Right Agent
We'll match you with a prescreened,
customer-evaluated agent ideally suited for your needs and desires.
Route 121 constantly monitors agent performance to ensure you receive
the best service possible. We'll take the guesswork out of agent
selection so you'll receive professional, courteous, expert assistance
at no additional cost. Find
An Agent
Find Your Dream Home |
Locating a neighborhood with the best schools,
an easy commute, and the right lifestyle and amenities can be time-consuming
and frustrating. Take advantage of the comprehensive Route 121 database
and our skilled, dedicated consultants |
to uncover your dream home
quickly, easily, and with free personal, one-on-one assistance.
A Home
Find New Homes & Builders |
Route 121 makes your search for
new homes and reputable homebuilders simple. We constantly monitor
the market to gather inside information about new neighborhoods,
skilled builders, and up-to-the-minute housing trends. Find the
right builder or your new dream home with free expert assistance
from our home consultants. Find
A New Home or Builder
Resources & Free Guides |
In addition to personal service
from a Route 121 professional, we also offer a comprehensive set
of guides, tools, tips, and resources. Best of all, if you still
can't find the information you need a Route 121 consultant is a
call or a click away.
Free Resources &
Guides |
We'll match your needs
to the best available agent, who will contact you directly. You'll
get a check when you buy or sell your home!
Average Check: $550
Route 121 provides an easy way to
compare, find or build newhomes from leading home builders and get
1% cash back.
$2,000 on the
purchase of a $200,000
home. Learn More